Year: 1918
Runtime: 11 mins
Description: Some of the women work driving or doing maintenance work on RAF cars and lorries. One woman changes the tyre on a staff car, but is unable to get the inner tube detached from the tyre, even with the help of another woman. A male groundcrew member finally has to help. Some of the women play cricket outside their hut. Other women sit outside the cookhouse peeling potatoes; more join in. Inside the cookhouse the women cook and wash up. One woman does preparation work on an aerial camera, which a groundcrew member arrives to collect, also giving her a photograph to identify, which she does using reference books. Women act as waitresses in the officers' mess.
Everyday life for WRAF members on an RAF coastal station, probably near Hastings, summer 1918.
Keywords: EFG1914 / World War I / Royal Air Force, Women's Royal Air Force, / operations, British air - routine / operations, British air - maintenance / recreation, British air - sport: cricket / society, British air - sustenance / intelligence, military, British - reconnaissance / equipment, British air - camera: aerial reconnaissance / 31/3(41) / Hastings area, Sussex, England, UK / sex
Provider: Imperial War Museums
Rights: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Colour: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
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